September is almost over, can you believe it? Dylan loves school and has made a lot of new friends. He likes to eat hot lunch (he doesn't like when mom makes him lunch :) and has homework about 2 days a week. He is getting so big! He still loves his WWE wrestling and the picture of him and Lily with the wrestling belts is one of his favorites.
Lily is also getting big. She has been smiling and laughing all the time, it is so amazing to watch her grow.
We went camping on Blewitt Pass a couple of weeks ago, Lily's first camping trip! Everyone had fun, even Mack!
Jaclyn, Cassie and I had a yard sale earlier this month. We did get a little bored (see pictures above) so we decided to take pictures of the babies (Lily, Aycen, and Kearsten) which turned into a picture of us too. We are dorks!