Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas! I wish that it could have been a little warmer (it was about 18 degrees) but other than that it was perfect. We were lucky enough to have family come and visit us and it was really nice to just stay home and have the kids be able to have Christmas at our house.

Lily got a few noisy, noisy toys and lots and lots of clothes. Thank you friends and family! Lately she has been busy getting into everything that she is not supposed to. For example - the dog toys and computer :)

Dylan got an iPod shuffle, some Wii games, a laptop thingy, and many, many other things. He is a lucky boy! Some of the toys that he got I think the adults had more fun with than him! He was so excited for Christmas this year and kept asking over and over when it was or reminding me how many days that we had left before "the big day". When Christmas night finally came we put him to bed only to find out that a bit later he had fallen asleep on the couch next to the tree to wait for Santa :)

It has warmed-up a little today and we are in the middle of the last Seahawks game of the season :( Hope that everyone had an fantastic holiday! We are looking forward to the new year!


Fire and Ice said...

Cute boys

Bec, Krew & Kahler Maci said...

Ok! We had fun watching all the videos and looking at the pics! GOOD job Dylan on boarding! The twins just learned to ski last month too! Krew really wants to board, but Adam says, he has to learn to ski first! They did Great!
Twins were really laughing it up watching Miss Lily in the tub and talkin/grunting! Sounds like she's on the brink of saying Dada!!!!???
Hope we can see you all soon! Miss you, take care!
Bec, Adam, Krew & Kahler Maci