After Jump Fest we went to Jake's softball tournament.
Then we went to Jump Fest. Dylan had a great time there and there were LOTS of cool bounce houses for him to play in. Lillian was not as fond of the big bouce houses/mazes/etc.
This was from last weekend. I took the kids to an Earth Day celebration in Downtown Wenatchee and they had a great time. I think that Dylan's favorite part were the bats. I think that Lily's was the baby goat eating my purse. It was pretty funny.
On Sunday we went to Smallwoods Harvest. It is a super fun place and is only about 15 minutes from our house. Lily loved the animals - but was a little scared of them (I really don't blame her). Some of the animals were very damanding/aggressive. Watch this video to see the kicking horse - it was hilarious! Dylan and Cody had a great time too - I think that it was a race to see who could get rid of their grain the fastest. Here is another video from that day
Dylan is really enjoying baseball. He loves batting and is brushing up on his skills after taking a couple of years off. He has a couple of friends on the team and his neighbor friend Cody - which is nice.
Dylan had his big wrestling tournament on Easter weekend in Cheney. He did really well and placed 4th. This was his final tournament, it was a little bittersweet. He did so well this season and we are so proud of him. I think that he is just really looking forward to the pizza party coming up at Abbey's ;) He really likes showing off his medals and his trophy - so if you come by the house be sure to ask him to see them!
After the wrestling tournament we went to Williams Lake. We spent Easter there last year as well. Go here to view last year's Easter photos. It is crazy how fast they grow! Williams Lake is a really cute little camping place and has a nice restaurant, a swimming area and paddle boats. We haven't been there when it has been nice enough to swim but hope to go someday! Here is a link to the Williams Lake campground.
The kids had a great time hunting for eggs! Lily had such a fun time that she seemed to not really care about the basket with all the big goodies in it! She just wanted to keep finding eggs. It was pretty funny and Dylan was a great helper to find the eggs.